Brother Bones --- what can I say about Brother Bones beside the fact that he's an awesome dog that anyone would be lucky to have... Bones, as I call him, has had a rough beginning.... an abandoned dog who somehow broke his back leg and was robbed of a puppyhood... He spent 2 months recovering and is now fully healed, with no issues, and is learning how to "puppy". He was saved by a rescue in North Carolina and sent up to Pennsylvania to find his FUUUUUURever people. He's a typical puppy now - just loves the company of his humans and any other dog friends around - he'd do great in either a family with no other pets or a family with a farm.... he's perfect in every way... He is completely crate trained - will hold it for (were up to 10 hours) without any problems and is well on his way to general potty training - he knows to squat down as soon as he hits the grass in my backyard - with constant repetition this baby will be potty trained in no time..... AND there is an added bonus - he was leash-walked for several months while his leg healed and although he pulls a little still (less than when I got him)- he is able to be a dog without a back yard, if you need to walk him - he loves it... He is very treat motivated, eats from a constant feeder (if that's your thing) and does not overeat --- he will eat and drink till he's full and stop - so if that's your current sitch - then it's cool - or he can adapt to a regular feeding schedule.. He loves toys --- I have a ginormous tote filled with toys and one day left to his own actions, while I sat and watched - he emptied - every single toy out - took it to the dog bed he was hanging in and was happy as a pig in mud... He happily goes to his crate (since it was his life for 2 + months) when you say crate or show him his treat that he gets every time he goes in (again - very treat motivated- which is a great thing) - Are you Brother Bones' next family - apply and take a chance - hes a great dog!!!!
Recovering from Broken Leg