Byrdie is estimated to be a 4 month old Lab-American Bulldog mix. She currently weighs 30lbs and should be a medium to large dog when she's full grown. Byrdie is very smart and loves to play. She loves other dogs but is a little rough and tumble play style and is still learning that people hands and feet are not part of the toys, so it is recommended she does not go to a home with children under 10. She briefly lived with dog-savvy cats and respected their authority, but any introductions should be done slowly as she has shown a prey drive recently.
Byrdie sleeps through the night in her crate and goes in during the day for a few hours. She has been doing well with housebreaking, only a few accidents that were the result of missed cues. Her meals are fed with a treat dispensing toy (mini jollyball) and it helps slow her down while expending some mental energy. She is a really sweet girl who needs patient consistent training to carry her into adulthood.