Local surrender Pa KL 5254 Southampton Pa
Hachi is a 1 year old Husky. He is about 55 lbs. He likes other dogs. He has lived with children in the past. He is active and playful. He is a little bit shy.
He likes water - playing in the sprinkler and running thru the mist.
He likes other dogs and seems fine around small dogs (beagle size) and wrestling with bigger dogs his own size or larger.
He has not been cat tested but surrendering owner say he does not like them and should not live with them.
He likes running around in a fenced in / secure yard. His future training needs will be in the area of leash walking / gaining confidence when leash walking.
Hachi will need an adopter with breed experience. He is not eligible for first time adopters. He is not eligible to renters.
Applications can be found at www.wagsrescue.org