PA Kennel License #5254
Wags Rescue
Southampton Pa 18966
Hello - My name is Key Lime of the Key Pups - 12 weeks old and mixed breed - full of energy and sweet puppy breath. I am a typical puppy, love to play with toys and then crash hard for a nice siesta afterwards. I am working on my potty training, meaning I know I should pee and poop outside, but sometimes cant hold it. I've learned if I circle by the door, my human usually gets the hint and lets me out.. I've been super good with poops and have ONLY pooped outside for over a week, and I'm quickly learning about not peeing inside. I sleep in an xpen overnight without any trouble. I'm fussy for like 2-3 minutes because I want to be with my human, but then I just quiet down and sleep all night without issue. I've been with my foster for a little over 2 weeks and can answer any questions you have - Won't you be my new mommy or daddy ???
PA KL #5254
Wags Rescue
P.O. Box 1514
Southampton Pa 18966
Available 1/14/2024